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website makeover

5 Signs It’s Time for a Website Makeover

First impressions are everything, especially in business relationships. More often than not, those first impressions are happening online, via your company's website. With technology changing so rapidly, businesses need to prioritize the look and feel of their websites to avoid scaring away potential customers and business partners.Blayzer's design team shares ...
football play drawn up

Email Marketing Strategy Tips

There are so many uncertainties when it comes to email marketing. What font should you use? Who should you campaign to? And everyone's worst fear, will your emails be delivered as spam? Our experienced email team has compiled some tips and tricks to help kick-start your email marketing strategy. Here are a few steps ...
Blayzer Bing ads

Blayzer Is Bing Ads Certified!

We know exactly what you're thinking: 'Who uses Bing in 2016?' No one ever says "Bing it", they say "Google it". It seems like Google is the almighty king of search engines, so before we became accredited by Bing we were a little wary. After doing some research, however, we ...

St. Louis Marketing Firms Team Up

Blayzer is excited to announce that we have been working with St. Louis marketing firm Cohesion to launch their subsidiary digital practice, Cohesion Digital. Sounds like a dream team, right? Cohesion, formed in 1999, helps organizations derive more value from brand, marketing, and communication efforts. They really focus on the architecture ...

Constructing a Content-Friendly Web Solution

When starting a new website project, one of the most important early steps is to identify the star of the show. What will take center stage on your site? Will it be products, people, or a brand? In many cases, it's content - things like articles, images, videos, blogs, and interactive features. A ...