Currently, there are more than 1.79 billion social network users worldwide. The average person spends up to 3.2 hours a day scanning, checking, and scrolling on social media. With the incredible amount of activity on social media and the rapid growth since its inception, it is important to integrate your email campaigns with social media to maximize your marketing efforts.
There are a lot of ways to integrate social media with your email campaigns. Besides the obvious options of adding social media icons in the header and footer of your email, Blayzer has conjured up three simple ways to integrate email marketing and social media.
Share the content.
Make content shareable from your email interface and easy to find and share through social media. The CTAs will help make it simpler for your subscribers to link with your social media accounts. Also, use the information of the email to promote your social media content like contests and calls for user-generated content. Coordinating content and promotions across both of these channels will help pull your marketing efforts together.
Strategic Call-To-Action
Use a short, simple call-to-action (CTA) that tells subscribers to ‘Follow You’ on your different accounts and vice versa with a well-placed CTA on your social accounts to subscribe for emails.
Identify your subscribers.
Identify your subscribers on social media and reward them. Target them with ads and special offers that cater to the information in the email sent out that day or the day before. You can make the ads exclusive to your subscribers, giving them an “edge” on the rest of the social media audience.
It’s important to try a variety of different things in order to integrate your digital marketing efforts. Social media is becoming one of the most popular sources of advertising and marketing, so an integration with this medium, your email campaigns, and other forms of media are only going to benefit your business.
Contact Blayzer for a FREE consultation on how we can take integrating social media with your marketing campaigns to the next level.