An idea we’ve been bouncing around the office for a very long time is finally coming to life: Blayzer is hosting an event for local startups and entrepreneurs this September! It’s called Start Up Your Startup: Smart Strategies for New Business Success. Register Now
Our mission in having this event is to provide people with the knowledge, tools and resources they need to turn their fledgling business ideas into full functional companies that attract investors and ultimately succeed in the marketplace. We made our official announcements about the event today – check out the press release here.
Here are the answers to some FAQs you may have about the event. We’re still rounding out the details, so keep an eye open for updates. If you need more information or want to learn how you can get involved as a sponsor or presenter, feel free to contact us anytime.
Event Details:
Name: Start Up Your Startup: Smart Strategies for New Business Success
Date& Time: Thursday, September 18th, 2014 | 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Jim Edmonds’s Space 15 | 1900 Locust St. | St. Louis, MO 63103
Cost: Free/$0
Who Should Come?
This is an inclusive event specifically designed to bring people together and strengthen the St. Louis business community. Anyone and everyone with an interest in the St. Louis startup scene is welcome to come out to learn, share, and network at our event. This includes all types of startups, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business executives, plus related fields like as investors, financiers, consultants, and service providers. The more, the merrier!
Where Is It?
We’re holding the event at Jim Edmonds’s Space 15. This is a private event space upstairs from Jim’s The Precinct sports bar. Not only is the food and service there EXCELLENT, but it’s located right across the street from Blayzer’s office on Locust Street downtown. Doesn’t get much more convenient than that! Get Directions
How Much Does It Cost?
Nothing! Thanks to our sponsors and some generous volunteers, we’re able to make this event free for all.
How Do I Sign Up?
Call 314-446-3393 ext. 119 or sign up online at
We hope to see you there!