Products from Abroad is a direct wholesale importer and distributor whose clients include retail fabric stores, needlework & yarn shops, craft shops, clothing manufacturers, designers, boutiques, and florists. Their unique product selection offers high quality, fashion trims, laces, ribbons, frogs, buttons, buckles, tassels, fringes, appliques, flowers, and more. The business is based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Due to ever-changing fashion trends, new items are being introduced to Products From Abroad‘s inventory regularly as others become discontinued. Prices and stock levels fluctuate often. They needed a product-focused web solution that could keep up with these changes and provide timely and accurate product information to their customers. They also wanted to break free from the constraints of their previous site’s locked-in template for greater content flexibility and improve workflow with powerful back-office and marketing integrations. Products From Abroad tried Wix and Shopify unsuccessfully before coming to Blayzer for a solution and our B2B ecommerce expertise. We built them a new WooCommerce solution that delivers on all their needs and more.