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Blayzer sign at night

Out With the Old and In With the New – Blayzer Reveals New Digital Marketing Agency Website

Just as the cobbler’s kids often go barefoot and doctors notoriously make the worst patients, some digital marketing agency websites can be a little...underwhelming. Blayzer’s was no exception.We overhauled our website back in 2017. Aside from a full homepage update in 2018, some content additions and CSS tweaks here and ...
blue lock security screen

Secure Hacked WordPress Sites

WordPress is the number one CMS in the world, accounting for over 30% all sites on the web. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by the internet’s black-hat underworld. Hackers love to target WordPress because of its broad user base. We’ve spent a lot of time over the years fending off cyber attacks ...

Increase Web Traffic

“No traffic” might be a welcome sight to a commuter on a rushed Monday morning, but there are few things that strike as much fear in the heart of a website owner – particularly one looking make money online. It is a simple fact in the web world: no traffic ...

Designing for Conversion

Some companies believe all it takes to make a successful website is good content. While well-written, relevant content is crucial, poor design can keep visitors from moving past your homepage and ever finding out what you’re all about. It’s a simple matter of human behavior. Despite all our lifelong warnings ...
people planning together

Hacking Hurts

Many companies believe their website isn’t at risk of being hacked because they “don’t have anything worth taking”. However, many hackers aren’t looking to steal from your website; they simply want to re-purpose it for their own lucrative activities. This means there is no such thing as an invaluable website ...

Website vs Apps

Sometimes answering the first question above starts by simply re-framing it. Instead of asking, “Do I need…?” you should first ask, “Do my users need…?” If your users have a clear demand for one or the other, then that should be the only information you need. If user demand isn’t ...