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The Riches are in the Niches

Some people believe that the wider net you cast, the better off you’ll be. This might be true for fishing, but it is absolutely false for marketing. Niche marketing is rapidly becoming the number one way to reach consumers. Going for a universal approach looks more like laziness and uncertainty of who your target is. In a society where customization is key, it’s important to segment your lists, target your campaigns and personalize your messaging. This can help you get the maximum response and help your targets feel that your information is useful to them. Blayzer has decided to share a little bit of our strategy when it comes to niche marketing.

Segmenting Lists

Lists are a fundamental way to reach targets. Lists can have all kinds of targets, and it’s up to you to make sure they are all the right targets you want to reach. Segmenting these lists is the best way to create targeted campaigns and personalized messaging. Your users are all different and in different points of the sales pipeline, therefore, your lists need to be in segments and your messaging should be tailored to each of your segments.

Targeted Campaigns

Targeted campaigns help create the right, specific message for the people on your segmented lists. Here are 4 different ways to target campaigns:

  • Geographics: target by location (state, neighborhood, etc.)
  • Demographics: target by characteristics (race, age, gender, etc.)
  • Psychographics: target by personality attributes (religion, values, attitudes, etc.)
  • Purchase Behavior: target by previous purchases

After the previous ways of choosing targets are defined, determine if the identified audience is likely to be interested in the specific product or service your offer. Gauging the ability of your company to meet those targets’ needs and wants will help you shrink your list even more and give you the highest probability of responses.

Personalized Messaging

This helps the targets feel like what your delivering is built for them and helps make a better connection between the targets and your company. This is usually an automated response built in to your marketing software, but it can be very helpful when differentiating your company from the competition. This requires a system that mostly revolves around consumer needs and not company sales.

All of these techniques help your customers feel like they are individually important to your company. Creating segmented, targeted, and personalized marketing builds a better rapport with customers and, eventually, puts you at the top of their mind when it comes to purchasing goods and services. Blayzer can help you analyze and categorize your list into segments, track and manage them with software, and create campaigns and messaging that line up with the values and needs of each segment. Find out what we can do for you with a FREE consultation.
