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Twitter Wrap-Up for September 20, 2017

As you all probably know by now, it’s time for a wrap! This week Mike joined us at the bar, and after a few minutes of banter, we were all business about Twitter.

Josh and I had the same thoughts this week – which mostly revolved around the new IOS 11 update that we had gotten. There are many new features that people are going to love or love to hate (I’m looking at all of you who are thinking of screen recording people’s Instagram stories, ya Slytherins). Although I was quick to clear up my storage and schedule my whole life on my phone so Maps could tell me when I should leave to be on time (Best. Feature. Ever.), Josh and I both agreed that the Augmented Reality was the best new feature.

AR is now becoming more common on the iPhone with apps like IKEA taking advantage of these capabilities to do stuff like put furniture in your room and seeing what it looks like in the actual space. Although Josh tried it out and it takes time to calibrate the room to actually get working and there’s not many furniture items available yet, the future possibilities of the technology are still pretty cool.

There’s also a MeasureKit available that allows you to measure dimensions of objects or a room, which is pretty nice if you’re ever doing some work in your home or minor remodeling.

Julie brought up the Amazon baby registry email glitch that happened earlier this week. What looked like thousands of emails had accidently been sent out to people alerting them that someone had purchased something for them off of their baby registry. This created a minor scandal for Amazon. But its Amazon, so we forgive it.

She also brought up a mistake from Lyft this past weekend. Lyft had an app spotlight that advertised them helping you get to your Labor Day celebration – only a little late to the party there, Lyft.

If you hop over to Whitney’s Twitter, you can see that she recently has posted an interesting and helpful article that features font families and the different styles available within them. If you’re doing graphic design work at all, you should definitely check it out.

Brandon brought up his recently purchased Amazon Dot. He focused on the developer program that is available for Alexa so you can design things for Alexa to do. Developers can go in and make programs for Alexa in order to improve the function of the Dot – which is pretty cool. If you’re interested in doing something like that or discussing the possibilities, hit Brandon up on Twitter.

If you have any feedback on my post, tweet me.
