Our Process.

Working With Blayzer - Our Process
Blayzer Digital offers full-service, integrated web and ecommerce solution development. We are there for our clients from concept to completion. Here’s how a typical project breaks down:

Whether we’re building an ecommerce store, a website, or running an email marketing campaign, we start every project at the strategic level as we seek to understand how your web solutions, technology stack, and marketing efforts must integrate with the core of your business and strategy. This big picture analysis and discovery process enables us to fully understand where you are and where you want to be – the foundation of any successful project.
Once your technology stack and marketing strategy is clearly defined, we head into the design and production of your solutions, starting with a kickoff meeting with project leadership and key staff to get everyone on the same page and prepared to go to work. In this meeting we will review all contract deliverables for transparency, discuss needs and expectations, go over some info-gathering checklists, confirm timelines, and otherwise review the project.
Kickoff is followed by production. Armed with all the information from strategic planning and our kickoff meeting, Blayzer’s design and development teams will get right to work creating your solution. Our content and migtation teams get to work as soon as possible to start the lengthy and complicated process of creating, migrating and inserting content and product data into the new site.
When production is complete, we test the solution thoroughly, running through all the key interfaces and processes and updating to ensure error-free performance. Once the desktop design is set, we optimize the design and user experience for mobile traffic as well. We ensuure the proper functionality of all technology solutions and make sure analytics tracking is set up properly for valuable data insights and targeted marketing.
After final approval the solution will go live. At the launch we setup all CDN Services, 301 redirects, migrate customers, orders, and current inventory data. Our ultimate goal is to make sure you have all the necessary pieces in place to make your solution a success. As a rule, we never launch on a Friday to ensure that your freshly-published solution has adequate monitoring and rapid response should any further needs or requests pop up immediately post-launch.
Modern web solutions, especially ecommerce stores, should be a living, breathing part of your business that serves your customers in the here and now, with up to date information and experiences. This requires ongoing updates, maintenance, and even larger changes over time. We make longterm solution maintenance possible by choosing easily manageable software platforms and technology stack solutions, offering user training to every client, providing maintenance and support service packages, and setting up custom site management tools and processes where applicable.
So your solution is launched and you have a plan for keeping up with change - now what? Now it's time to grow with integrated digital marketing solutions like content development, blogging, search engine optimization, email marketing, social media, and paid advertising campaigns. Circling back to our Strategy phase, we can develop and execute a custom mix of marketing solutions and monthly services to keep your brand, audience, and revenue growing for years to come.
Blayzer Digital strongly believes in the value of data, so we architect your web solutions and marketing programs to provide valuable data insights into traffic performance, conversions, user engagement, and other KPIs that matter to your business. We listen to your needs and set you up for success, then use the data we capture to derive intelligent insights and drive smart decisions about the future of your technology and marketing strategies. The cycle continues!
Account Management Process
Every Blayzer client works with an Account Manager, a Project Manager, and relevant department heads as their main points of contact. On our end, this team works together closely to ensure the proper delivery and success of your project and the quality of your experience working with Blayzer Digital. On the client side, we find that projects are most efficient and successful when point-of-contact is limited to just a few key staff. This heads off miscommunication and redundancy, streamlines decision-making, keeps meetings brisk, and limits the number of names you’ll need to remember.
Web & Marketing Project Management
Over the years we have learned that the best way to ensure a successful project is to use the right communication and collaboration tools at every step of the process. Here are a few of the tools and tactics we currently use to manage our projects and communicate with our clients:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Blayzer uses a sophisticated CRM solution to track and manage accounts, contact information, and interactions between clients and our team. It serves as the central hub that connects all of our project management solutions. This is how we are able to run our shop with no blind spots from beginning to end.
Client Portal
Once websites go live, we provide a Client Portal where clients can submit support tickets and other requests, and track the resolution process.
Sandbox/Development Sites
Where it makes sense for ongoing collaboration, development, marketing, and maintenance needs, we can create a sandbox/development site to control changes rather than do all work directly into the live site. Contributors make their updates to the dev site, which then pushes updates out to the live site on a routine basis. Specifics on this setup are hashed out on a per-client basis.
During production we use web-based software (currently Basecamp) to communicate and collaborate with clients. Each project has a private, secure space online where Blayzer and client contributors can organize and discuss everything they need to get a project done. See it, track it, discuss it, act on it. Tasks, discussions, deadlines, and files – everything’s predictably organized and accessible.
Project Tracking Software
Internally we utilize a project management software where the Blayzer team logs detailed notes and tracks time spent on all the work they do for each project project. This creates a convenient chronological record of every step we take and every move we make, so we can stay on target and refer back to past work notes when needed. This software helps to keep our team working efficiently and also allows us to quickly and easily answer questions about your project as they come up.
Code Repositories
For projects requiring intensive ongoing development or involving multiple production sources, we may use source control tools like GitHub or BitBucket to create a private repository to properly manage the source code. Not all projects will require this, but some do and we are prepared to meet the need.