April showers bring May Flowers.
What will this spring bring for your business?
There are a few truths to life. “April showers bring May flowers” is one that we have relied on since the dawn of civilization here in the Midwest. Every spring, we witness a short period of clouds and flooding rains to be rewarded with a bounty of blossoms, a broad spectrum of greens, and rich fertile earth for our gardens and crops. Gardeners don’t shy away from the rain. Every spring they plant vegetable gardens knowing that with a little water and work, by summertime they will be reaping the benefits.
The same is true for business. A little hard work in the spring can deliver benefits that last long into the year ahead.
Right now, companies around the world are taking steps to transform their business to fit the “new normal” brought on by the global pandemic and social distancing practices. We have seen restaurants turn into mini grocery stores. Stores have turned into distribution centers. Major movies such as Universal’s Trolls World Tour and Disney’s Onward were released right into the living room through digital streaming services. We’ve learned just how many meetings can actually be emails. And how many emails should actually be meetings.
Time is on your side.
There is a silver lining in all this. In some ways, social distancing can be the gift you’ve been needing. The gift of time. It’s the one currency that can’t be earned or bought back. Without all those office distractions and business meetings, commutes and traffic jams, and family activities defining how we spend every waking moment, some of us are finding time to check off that list of things that we haven’t had time for in the past.
While the world around us may be standing in the way of the work you would normally do for your business in the spring, you might finally have some time to focus on your marketing. One big marketing task many companies put off during the long, cold winter is video filming and editing. Well, spring has sprung and now is the perfect time to get those marketing videos made!
Why is video important?
A video puts a face to the name and lets potential customers feel like they know you and your brand. The worldwide web is a very big place. All its options can sometimes be overwhelming. Whether they realize it or not, your audience is searching for someone that they can trust – especially where business and payment information is involved. Having videos along with your content and marketing messages can help to build a bridge of trust for your brand. Quality is a very important factor in trust-building, so using professional filming and editing techniques is strongly advised.
Give old messages new life with video
For most business owners this is the time to reformat your story for the modern world. It’s reminiscent of companies that rushed to get their printed information onto the web in the ’90s and 2000s. The creeping hum of the digital train is thundering down the tracks. Don’t be the last one to get on board! Latch onto the silver lining and capture your companies’ strongest messages into a video today.
Spring has sprung
Spring is one of the most popular seasons for many reasons. Not only does it provide us with mild temps but the greenery and blooms make incredible backgrounds. Reminding us of fresh starts and new beginnings. A rebirth of life and light that spent those long winter months hibernating. Video filming and editing can be done will outside. Especially with the natural backdrop of the St Louis spring greenery.
Our video filming and editing team is prepared

One reason companies wait so long for extra time is that it takes time and skill for video filming and editing. We know that because it’s what we do for a living. At Blayzer and Phat Buddha Productions, we hone our editing skills to cut down that timeline. We also invest in the latest equipment for video filming and editing to keep your investment of time and money to a minimum.
Our video team has been bustling this spring for clients taking advantage of the chance to take a breath and do the things they’ve been putting off. We’re masked up, gloved up and ready to help you achieve your marketing goals. Providing professional video filming and editing is one of our more exciting services. We’re committed to keeping the proper distance and taking the precautions that protect you and our staff. Offices are quiet and clean. If you prefer, we can stay outdoors and take advantage of the beautiful scenery.
Video filming and editing can be your rainbow after the storm.
Take advantage of the opportunities this strange new world is presenting and get ahead while you’re locked down. Make video a top priority! Contact us to set up an appointment.