The past few days have been a blast for the Blayzer team and the week ahead is going to be even better. Over the weekend, our team spent much needed time at Lake of the Ozarks, recovering from a fast-paced summer of hard work and refreshing our minds. Our team has recently learned that our hard work is really paying off!
This Wednesday Blayzer will attend an exclusive luncheon hosted by the St. Louis Small Business Monthly, a leading local business publication. We will be among 19 others voted by readers as the Top 20 Small Businesses in St. Louis. This is the second award for Blayzer this year – in January Small Business Monthly readers named us among the city’s Best Web Firms.
The award comes as a very pleasant surprise to us, and we are honored to be recognized alongside so many great small businesses in St. Louis. Many thanks to those who nominated, voted for and supported us – you know who you are, even if we don’t!
The award luncheon will be held on Wednesday, August 8th at the Hilton Frontenac Hotel from 11am – 1pm. Keynote speaker Eliot Frick, marketing visionary and owner of bigwidesky, will be speaking on the topic of “Making Brands More Human.” Tickets are $50 per person with tables of 10 for $500. For more information call 314-569-0076 or click here to purchase your ticket.
Blayzer will be featured along with the other awarded businesses in the September issue of St. Louis Small Business Monthly. We will share that link as soon as the publication is posted, so look out for it! (Tip: Follow our team on Twitter for real-time Blayzer updates, plus all the news we don’t have time to write on our blog.)
We’ll definitely be taking some notes at the awards luncheon to help brainstorm for our upcoming event for startups and entrepreneurs. Learn all about it here:
Thanks again, all!