Has Your WordPress Site Been Hacked?
It's Wise to Be Worried About WordPress Security. Blayzer Has the Power to Keep Your Site Protected!
WordPress is the number one CMS in the world, accounting for over 30% all sites on the web. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by the internet’s black-hat underworld. Hackers love to target WordPress because of its broad user base.
We’ve spent a lot of time over the years fending off cyber attacks in WordPress (such as the frustrating “malicious content” hack, which cloaks its handiwork so that only search engines can see it). We know what it takes to repair the damage caused by a hacked WordPress site. From this experience we have come up with a process to protect your site through a mix of secure IT infrastructure and smart web programming. With Secure WordPress Hosting from Blayzer, you can rest assured that your site is well defended, and in the event of any issues we’ll have you back online in a hurry.
Get Secure Hosting for WordPress
Improve the security of your WordPress site to prevent future issues. Contact Blayzer Digital today for more information!